Coronavirus: Toronto's top doctor says "not time to panic, time to act" as COVID-19 cases spike

Toronto’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Eileen de Villa reported 381 new COVID-19 cases on Monday, stressing that nowhere in the city was safe from the virus, and that it was “not the time to panic” but the “time to act.” Of the 381 cases, 30 were probable with 351 confirmed.

She also spoke about the three businesses closed due to failing to comply with COVID-19 measures, saying others had been issued compliance orders asking them to do so. She stressed there was “nothing inherently wrong” with the hospitality industry, but there is a distinct risk to it.

She said she’s making recommendations to city council including reducing the total number of patrons in one bar or restaurant venue from 100 to 75, reducing the number at each table and background noise must be reduced.

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