Home Care Tips For Mild COVID-19 Symptoms | Treat Coronavirus At Home

While one early study found that 85% of confirmed COVID-19 cases are considered mild, the meaning of “mild” can include a range of symptoms and still be sensitive, even if they don’t require hospitalization but proper care is must.
As COVID-19 continues to spread, WHO recommends that all laboratory-confirmed cases should be isolated and cared for in a health care facility. For those who can only receive care at home, this video provides simple advice and directions on how one can minimizing the spread of infection to other family members.
World Health Organization: Home care for patients with suspected novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection presenting with mild symptoms and management of their contacts-

CDC Guidance: Clean & Disinfect –

CDC Guidance: Preventing the spread of COVID-19 –

CDC Guidance: COVID-19 and animals –

EPA-approved disinfectants to fight coronavirus:

Home care tips
Treatment of covid-19
Treat coronavirus
How To Treat Mild Coronavirus Symptoms From Home
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