Treating #COVID19 with Vitamin C | Dr Rhonda Patrick, PhD

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#COVID19 series:

Don’t accept any kind of vaccination | Dr Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize Medicine 2008: discovered HIV)

We’re likely overreacting to COVID and dooming ourselves to a horrible future | Prof. John Ioannidis

Flatten the curve is a start, not a solution | Dr David L. Katz, MD

COVID deniers

Governments scour the Earth for hideous diseases to weaponise them | Dr Francis Boyle, PhD

Govts are genetically engineering viruses to wipe out millions | Dr David Sinclair, PhD

Treating #COVID19 with Vitamin C | Dr Rhonda Patrick, PhD

It ain’t ARDS! It’s hypoxia | #COVID19 Docs at the Front

The Pedigree of Bill Gates’ Depopulation Agenda | Greg Reese