Censored Vitamin They Don’t Want you to Know about

The following is going to be a really quick video talking about an extremely important yet rather censored vitamin that has been almost completely removed from the western diet.

This vitamin is called K2, and unlike vitamin k1 which Is used for blood clotting and stopping bleeding, Vitamin K2 is used for transporting and removing calcium deposits from our soft tissues such as our arteries, brain and joints to our bones and teeth where it is meant be.

Now the reason vitamin k2 is almost none existent within the western diet is because K2 is predominantly found in grass fed meats and dairy.
And since almost all of the food westerners eat comes from GMO grain fed animals the average person who eats that diet is likely extremely deficient K2.

So what are some foods that we must start eating in order to get vitamin k2?

These foods will include things like:
• Organic Grass fed beef liver
• Duck and goose liver
• Organic Eggs from pasture run chickens
• Organic grass fed dairy such as milk, cheese and butter.
• Sauerkraut
• Natto

Though getting our Vitamins from food is often best, vitamin K2 can also be taken as a supplement.
For those of you who would prefer to take vitamin k2 as a supplement, Mk7 has shown to be a good forum.

Before wrapping this up, I want to quickly add that taking vitamin D3 in combination with k2 is going to be is essential for helping the calcium absorbed into our bones and teeth. The best way for us to get vitamin D3 is going to be from getting around 30 minutes of direct sunlight per day. However, some foods that contain the highest amounts of vitamin D3 will include:
• Cod liver oil
• Wild oysters
• Wild fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel
• Organic Grass-fed beef liver
• Organic Free-range eggs

#K2 #Health #Calcium