Protein & Vitamin rich Salad / Immunity Boosting Diet Salad

This salad is a combination of antioxidants, proteins, minerals & vitamins that boost immunity, help in weight management, prevent from diseases, enhance skin health & is also a good source of essential fibres.
It also contains detoxifying properties & is a healthy substitute for diet conscious people.
Instead of common salt & sugar we have used black salt, rock salt & honey which have their own health benefits.

• Onions are a good source of vitamin C, B6, manganese, calcium, iron, folate & fibres.

• Red bell peppers are packed with antioxidants, vitamin A, B6, C & magnesium. They also contain fibres & increase metabolism.

• Yellow bell peppers are packed with antioxidants vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, iron & potassium. They also contain fibres & increase metabolism.

• Green bell peppers are packed with antioxidants, vitamin A, B6, C, E & folate. They also contain fibres & increase metabolism.

• Cucumbers are packed with vitamin K, B & C along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, potassium & magnesium.

• Tomatoes are a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, & vitamin K.

• Spring onions are an excellent source of vitamin C & calcium. They are also a good source of dietary fibre & vitamins A & B6, thiamine, folate & minerals (potassium, copper, chromium, manganese, iron).

• Ginger is very good for digestion, muscle & joint health. It also helps in fighting against cold.

• Green chillies are rich in vitamin C & E. These are very good for digestion & skin health.

• Paneer is the best source of protein.

• Moong sprouts are a good source of protein, vitamin B, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, antioxidants & fibers.

• Corn is a good source of the vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, antioxidants carotenoids, lutein & zeaxanthin.

• Black salt contains sodium chloride and many other minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon, strontium, lithium, chlorine & sulphur.

• Rock salt has all vital minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, sulphur, hydrogen, oxygen & cobalt.

• Black pepper is a good source of vitamin C, K, calcium, magnesium and potassium, dietary fibres, iron, copper and manganese.

• Cumin seeds are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins and fibre.

• Oregano is an excellent source of vitamin K, manganese, iron, calcium & dietary fibre.

• Tamarind contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids & sugar.

• Honey has proteins, vitamin B and minerals like calcium, copper, iron & zinc.

• Lemon is a good source of folate, potassium & vitamin C.

• Coriander is a wonderful source of dietary fibre, manganese, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, K and protein.

• Green onion is a good source of vitamin B6, A, C, K, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, calcium, iron, potassium and manganese & dietary fibre.

Ingredients – in same order as used in the video

• ½ medium sized onion
• 1 small piece of red bell pepper
• 1 small piece of yellow bell pepper
• 1 small piece of green bell pepper
• 1 small piece of cucumber
• 1 tomato (deseeded)
• 2 spring onions (bulb)
• 1 inch piece of ginger
• 2 finely chopped green chillies
• 1 small piece of carrot
• 50-100g paneer (cottage cheese)
• 2 large spoons of sprouted moong
• 2 tbsp partially boiled corns
• ½ tsp black salt (kala namak)
• 1 tsp rock salt (sendha namak)
• ½ tsp black pepper powder (kali mirch)
• 1 tsp roasted cumin powder (bhuna jeera)
• 1 tsp oregano
• 4 tbsp of tamarind water
• 1 tbsp honey
• Juice of 1 lemon
• Finely chopped coriander leaves
• Finely chopped spring onions (green part)

Do remember cooking is an art not a science.
Quantity of ingredients needs to be altered as per the local taste & your personal preferences.
Follow the steps carefully to get the best results.
