How The Foods You Eat Influence Your Health & Vitality

This is a really quick video that explores the age old saying – “You are what you eat”. Instead of focusing on the things we should avoid like sugar and trans fats this is a video concentrating on the foods we should eat MORE of! We include a list of foods and the vitamins and minerals they are responsible for and then linking it to a disease or health problem.
We cover topics like
Heart health
Immune health
Bone healthy
Blood health
Brain health
And various other issues.
Make sure you grab a copy of our latest special report that is all about the best exercise and nutrition secrets for improving heart and lung health. Go to the link below to grab your copy.

Many people try to make up for a poor diet by taking vitamins and supplements in the form of synthetic capsules and tablets. This is unnecessary if you are eating the right foods to begin with and in many cases very ineffective. The fat-soluble vitamins not only synergize with each other, but cooperate with many other nutrients and metabolic factors such as magnesium, zinc, fat, carbohydrate, carbon dioxide and thyroid hormone. This paradigm has two important implications. At the level of scientific research, a study about one vitamin can easily come to false conclusions unless it takes into account its interactions with all the others. We should recognize the complexity of these interactions, realizing how little we know and recognizing that we are always learning. So with regards to our personal health, these interactions emphasize the need to consume a well-rounded, nutrient-dense diet. Supplementation with an individual vitamin runs the risk of throwing it out of balance with its synergistic partners. The fat-soluble vitamins work most safely and effectively when we obtain them from natural foods by eating a diet rich in quality and variety.

Read the article in the link below to see more about supplements

Other great articles to read with tons of information about food and its impact on our health are provided below