Song of the Impatience Flower Remedy – with Frequencies to boost your immune system!

When one studies the frequencies within the body, it is clear that when in tune and harmonious, the body is well and vibrant. By examining the frequencies of the coronavirus, an advanced expert – such as Sharry Edwards – can determine what tangible things that the body needs and what are the correlating frequency equivalents. Energy transfers on the same frequencies (and musical octaves of the frequencies). This process is called resonance. These areas in the body and components of the immune system are built up when they resonate with their frequency equivalents TM.

According to Sharry, the coronavirus uniquely attacks the immune system. Specific nutrients help counter the coronavirus; two important ones are glutathione and quercetin. The immune system needs these nutrients. We can eat food that has these nutrients: read the prevention section that lists these foods. We can also listen to the frequency equivalents. Either way, we need a healthy dose of this energy. Some times it is easier to listen than eat 25 avocados!

The music available on this site includes about ten frequencies that Sharry Edward’s identified to help strengthen the harmony of the body against the attack of the coronavirus. These sounds stimulate the body to build a wall of “sound protection” against the coronavirus. The sounds are specific packets of energy aimed to support the harmony and strength of the immune system.

Our immune system is our best defense against serious illness in general and the coronavirus in particular. The use of specially selected frequencies cannot prevent infection, but they can significantly reduce the severity of illness and the effects of the coronavirus pathogen. (Please note that this has not been tested. No cure is claimed. Everyone is advised to follow medical advice and procedures.)

To download the entire cd of 18 songs … go to,