Follow the science and evidence

“Follow the evidence wherever it leads, and question everything.” (Neil deGrasse Tyson)

Western Australia (Rudi Petrig, Mark McGowan)

No community spread for over 5 months

Strict border controls

Secured hotel quarantine for 14 days

catching a few positive cases every week, but not getting into the community

Never had strict broad lockdowns, although early on we did have pubs, clubs, massage parlours, etc closed and many people working from home.

Have and still are using social distancing in shops, but no masks



Friday to Monday

To make it clear that the virus is airborne

Once said the virus is only spread by coughs and sneezes, less than six feet

Infection, breathing, infected particles can travel further than six feet

Linger in the air

On Monday

Removed information from its website

Information posted in error.


Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: implications for infection prevention precautions

Respiratory droplets bigger than 5 – 10 μm

Smaller than 5μm, droplet nuclei or aerosols

Respiratory droplet transmission, within 1 metre

of an infected person who has respiratory symptoms

Aerosol-generating procedures

To date, transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by this type of aerosol route has not been demonstrated

Talking about cluster evidence

However, the detailed investigations of these clusters suggest that droplet and fomite transmission could also explain human-to-human transmission within these clusters.

Counter argument

Airborne transmission of covid-19

Since the 2003 SARS outbreak, research in aerobiology, physics, and computational fluid dynamics has advanced our understanding of aerosol generation and the carriage and fate of respiratory particles

It Is Time to Address Airborne Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (Clinical Infectious Diseases)

239 scientists signed an open letter appealing to the medical community and relevant national and international bodies to recognise the potential for airborne spread of covid-19


Cases, 5, 562, 662

Deaths 88, 935

Health system overwhelmed

Chaos in places

Shortage of medical staff and equipment

Government hospitals at capacity


Orders 33 private hospitals to reserve 80% of ICU beds

Cases, 230,000

Cases, + 4,000 for past eight days

No ICU beds in eight of 11 top private hospitals

Many patients are unable to find a place in hospitals


Third of normal hospital beds still unoccupied

Hospitals busy, ICU scarce

Indian government

Reopened gyms, most workplaces, markets, bars

Cinemas closed

Schools and colleges now reopening

Death tole likely to spine in next few weeks


Population 17.5 million

Distance among children

Up to 12, do not have to stay 1.5 metres apart from each other or from adults

17 and younger, do not have to stay 1.5 metres apart from each other

Source and contact tracing, testing and staying home

COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, shortness of breath or coughing, stay at home until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours

Children do not need to be tested, unless they are seriously ill

Preventing the virus from spreading in childcare facilities and schools

Hygiene, hands and frequent touch points, respiratory

Ventilation and airing out indoor spaces

It is important to properly ventilate homes, businesses and other buildings, such as schools

Face masks and gloves

The literature does not offer a clear consensus on the effect of wearing non-medical face masks in public spaces

It seems likely that face masks help prevent infecting others, but only to a limited extent

If everyone follows the basic rules, it is not necessary to wear a face mask

OMT is not issuing a general recommendation to wear face masks in public spaces