Citizens Of Karachi Are Naturally Immune To The Corona Virus | Corona Virus | NIBD

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Citizens Of Karachi Are Naturally Immune To The Corona Virus | Corona Virus | NIBD

A recent study by the National Institute of Hematology (NIBD) found that a large number of Karachi residents are naturally immune to the novel corona virus. This resistance is most prevalent among workers in factories and factories. According to a report by the Oxford University Journal of Public Health, the study was conducted to test for corona virus in NIBD from May to July. The samples were taken from 1,675 blood samples. Analysis revealed that about 600 of these samples contained antibodies to neutralize the novel corona virus, indicating that these people were infected with Covid 19. Have developed effective resistance against and defeated this virus.
An interesting aspect of the results is that antibodies against the corona virus were found in the highest half (50.3%) of the working class in Karachi’s factories and factories. The rate was 34% among the general population and 13.2% among the medical staff. Thus, about 36% of the citizens of Karachi were naturally immune to the corona virus. Dr. Tahir Shamsi said that since July, the overall rate of immunity against the corona virus among the citizens of Karachi has increased by more than 50% while it is steadily increasing.
He hoped that if the trend of increasing immunity against corona virus among the citizens of Karachi continued, by the time the vaccine for this virus became available, more than 75% of the population of Karachi would be naturally infected with corona virus will be saved.

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