Henrik Wallin, vitamin D, zinc, Japan, Hennan – a small village in the forest.


No excess deaths in Japan, but a lot of immunity
Tokyo reached 46% AB-Seroprevalence

Damn Kim Klacik! Now I have to show up in a dress for work…
“But I don’t want to be Ozzy that comes drunk to work in a dress, and that is a good thing.

I think I’ve set myself up for exactly that though…”

Swedish member of parliament Jan Ericson got covid, but is totally fine thanks to good vitamin D levels:

“Fick samtal från vårdcentralen idag. En vecka (!) efter att jag testades för covid19 ringer de och säger att provet var positivt…smittspårning känns mest som ett fint ord…”

(Backup of videos when Youtube takes them down)

(fails to mirror)

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