6 ways to boost your immune system to fight coronavirus "Covid-19"

In this video, I will tell you Six Ways to Boost Your Immune System to fight Coronavirus
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As the coronavirus spreads, we are hearing about how to reduce exposure and take care of ourselves if we get sick. These are important tips, but we’re not hearing much about how we can boost our immunity so that if we do get exposed to the virus our body can effectively fight back.

Our immune systems are designed to fight off sicknesses and viruses. But unfortunately, the immune system can get worn down by many things typical of modern life like stress, toxins, lack of exercise and unhealthy eating. This prevents our bodies from effectively fighting off sickness.

With coronavirus continuing to spread, it’s more important than ever to support the immune system. We can do this by making a few key modifications.

Here are 6 essential ways to boost your immunity in preparation for coronavirus