Fauci Takes Flintstones! Lockdowns Don't Work! What Vitamins Do You Really Need?

After thousands of people have died due to lack of proper vitamin and nutrient intake, Dr. Fauci admits he has been supplementing to support his immune system.

Should we hold this so-called “expert” accountable for doing things to reduce his risk of severe illness but yet withholding that information from the general public?

Also, major medical journals and research is showing that the tyrannical lockdowns may have caused more deaths!

How can we support our immune system when it comes to COVID and infectious diseases?

Full blog with references and resources:

Check out more of my videos here:

Let’s Clarify: There’s a Difference Between Dying From COVID and Dying Because of Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Could be Stopped Early to Hide Serious Harms!

Is COVID Covering Up Vaccine Injuries? How “Probable Cases” Are Inflated By Other Viruses

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*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to treat, diagnose, or cure any medical condition. We must legally advise you to seek the assistance of a trusted health professional before making any changes to your health regime.