Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Presented by: Denise Joy Mendoza, Gr. 10-St. Isidore of Seville

Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Presented by: Denise Joy Mendoza, Gr. 10-St. Isidore of Seville

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Most common symptoms include: fever, dry cough, and tiredness.

In order to help out in my own little way. I present this video as a reminder of what you should and should not do in the midst of a pandemic.

1) As much as possible, avoid taking trips. Cancel planned tours because there’s a risk of getting infected on crowded places.
2) Don’t just tie a scarf around your face as that can be loose fitting and need more adjustment.
3) Don’t hoard essential products like alcohol and canned goods. By doing so, you are lessening the supply. The demand stays the same, thus, the products get expensive.
4) Don’t ignore the rising cases. Believe it or not, there are still people who don’t think that COVID-19 really exists.
5) Don’t touch your face especially your mouth, eyes, and nose, without washing your hands.

1) When outside, make sure that you observe physical distancing. Remember, 1 meter away people!
2) Always, always clean and disinfect the things you often use like: cellphone, keys, eyeglasses, keyboard and many more using 70% alcohol solution.
3) Exercise in any form you enjoy. It can be yoga, lifting weights, or dancing.
4) Remember to always take your vitamins to strengthen your immune system.
5) Give yourself a break. What’s happening right now is a lot to take in and it has most probably taken a toll on your mental health. It’s okay, not to be okay. If you want, you can seek help to the people you trust or to a mental health professional.

With that said, I pray for everyone’s safety and good health. I hope that you learned something from this video. And remember that at the end of the day, Filipinos are, and will always be, resilient.