Can vitamin or nutrient deficiency be causing or worsening your illness??

Dr. Anya Temer, DO


Online consultations
Local medical office in Lake Worth, Florida
(561) 323-4997

Deficiency testing – how to know what supplements are right for you

In Videos 3 and 4 we talked about two main pillars of inflammation, which are TOXICITY and DEFICIENCY
In this video we will go a bit more in depth in discussing DEFICIENCY.

As I previously mentioned, in order for our body and our immune system to function optimally we need to have all the proper “building blocks” in place. Those are called micronutrients and they include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. Many chronic issues such as muscle spasms, restless legs, headaches, skin issues, fatigue, etc could be caused by simple deficiency.

So how do we find out what we are deficient in?
In Total Holistic Center we send our patients for a comprehensive blood analysis which looks at all vital micronutrients to determine if you are deficient in anything.
Once we see in black and while the status of your deficiencies, we create an individualized protocol for our patients that include a mix of nutritional changes, supplements and if needed Intravenous and Intramuscular vitamin replacements through our IV therapy.

Most patients ask me if taking a multivitamin will prevent them from having any deficiencies.
There are a few parts to this answer. First of all it depends on the quality of the multivitamin, supplements that are sold in regular pharmacies (and especially prescription ones) are usually pretty low quality and barely get digested in your body, they just come out as “expensive urine” as we like to say… The second part to this is the health of your digestive system, if it’s inflamed, if you have leaky gut or any other digestive issues the supplements might not get digested properly and they won’t be metabolized by your body.
The last part is that regular multivitamin doesn’t have enough of all vital micronutrients for your full daily intake. Supplements are supposed to complement a healthy diet and not be a replacement. And if you are not getting enough nutrition through your food, whatever amount of vitamins and minerals in your multivitamin will not be enough to sustain a healthy optimal body function and deficiencies will get more pronounced over time.

In the next video we will dig deeper into the 2nd pillar of chronic illness and inflammation which is TOXICITY.