What is Contributing to COVID-19?- Stephanie Seneff, PhD (September 2020)

“What is Contributing to COVID-19?” is the presentation shared by Stephanie Seneff, PhD at the September 9, 2020 Zoom meeting of the Silicon Valley Health Institute.

Research has shown that pollution and chronic health conditions contribute to bad outcomes with the corona virus. Stephanie postulates that biofuels are contributing to bad outcomes from COVID-19. She suspects that glyphosate is showing up as a contaminant in biofuels and it is damaging the lungs in such a way as to cause a person to succumb to COVID.

Curiously, the United States and Brazil are the top two countries in biofuels (see attached). The US, with 4.2% of the world’s population, accounted for 26% of the COVID deaths in mid-June. Brazil, with 2.7% of the world’s population, accounted for 11% of the deaths.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She has a BS degree from MIT in biology and a PhD from MIT in electrical engineering and computer science. She has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings.
Her recent interests have focused on the role of toxic chemicals and micronutrient deficiencies in health and disease, with a special emphasis on the pervasive herbicide, Roundup, and the mineral, sulfur. She has authored over two dozen peer-reviewed journal papers over the past few years on these topics, and has delivered numerous slide presentations around the world.

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