Improve you Immunity and Vitality with iv Vitamin C Drips Solcoseryl Glutathione Ozone

Hello Michael here, welcome everyone in this episode of Eskulap Beauty News where I will explain the benefits of Vitamins infusion to strengthen your immunity system and deliver the needed energy and vitality so you can achieve your daily goals and long term success.

Autumn and winter are Times when infections are lurking around the corner, immunity decreases, and we do not look as prominent and healthy as usual. Many of us develop a form of seasonal depression. You might ask, what supplements are most needed at this time?

Solcoseryl. Athletes favourite, because of it’s wonderful support of the regeneration of the body. Stimulates healing, supports metabolism and provides cells with energy. A very popular trend lately is to be fit and healthy by improving the endurance rating of the body. Solcoseryl helps to achieve just that. We have patients that are members of local sports clubs, who regularly visit our clinic to improve their performance and achieve better results during training.

Glutathion. A natural antioxidant, detoxifier and modulator of life processes. Hailed as the key to the secret of health and longevity. It stimulates our body to repair tissues and organs, improves muscle testosterone synthesis, and improves protein absorption. It also helps to reduce the level of stress hormone (cortisol) and regulates metabolism, helping in the fight against excess weight and during weight loss.

Vitamin C – vitamin of vitality Pale complexion, fatigue, anemic movement – these symptoms may be a sign of vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C supports the absorption of iron and stimulates our immunity system. The life-giving power of this vitamin lies in its antioxidant, anti-stress and immunity-strengthening properties. It works anti-aging and anti-cancer. Supports the body in the fight against inflammation and accelerates regenerative processes.

Ozone effectively destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. It stimulates the immune system, cleans arteries and veins by lowering cholesterol. I can help to improve blood circulation. It is a noble gas that has been used in medicine for a very long time.

Eskulap Clinic offers a number of innovative treatments designed by a team of qualified doctors and specialists. In the Clinic, you can use ozone therapy or have a seat at the vitamin bar to strengthen yourself with products and cocktails of revitalizing properties.

We also provide ozone drinks for patients that are very busy and don’t have time to benefit from the astonishing absorption effectiveness of the IV drip. Vitamins can be supplied to the body in tablets, but only a small part of them is absorbed into the body. In order to fully benefit from the wonderful properties of ozone and vitamins, they should be taken by means of a drip infusion.

The promo code for this month is Golden Autumn … you can use it to get a discount for selected treatments at Eskulap Clinics in London Birmingham and Słupsk.

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