Stay Healthy from COVID-19 with Internal PPE + External PPE Before a Vaccine is Ready!

Face masks and social distances cannot block all viruses. Not everyone has optimal internal PPE (immunity) and can keep it. The CDC estimated that 45.4% of U.S. adults are at increased risk for #Covid19 complications because of co-morbidities, which is about 19% of infected were health care personnel. Many non-infected can stay healthy before a vaccine is ready if they can optimize their Internal PPE and keep it.

Watch this 2’20” video if you just want to know the big picture. Please watch the 12’29” version if you want to expand your knowledge with examples.

Who Can Benefit from Integrated Technologies?
1. Individuals
– whose work or life is full of challenges and stress.
– whose health issues are closely related to challenges & stress.
– who desire to utilize the right tools to stay healthy & save money.

2. Management Personnel for Businesses and Governments Leaders and management can anticipate issues better and take more early actions if they can integrate latest healthcare tools with daily management.

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Together, we can beat COVID-19!