This is Assistant Professor Gail Cross, Consultant, Division of Infectious Diseases, University Medicine Cluster, National University Hospital giving clarity around where ’they’ are at with Covid19 and what the future looks like.

Interview covers:
*Updates in symptoms
* Latest treatment developments
* Is this more than a respiratory disease?
* When should you get tested?
* What is known about re-infection and antibodies?
* Why has Singapore had such a low death rate?
* Do masks work – how will this affect our general immunity moving forward?
* Clarity around children and covid19
* New waves and new strains
* Why are some people more affected by the disease than others?
* Can we function as a ‘normal’ society with the disease

Please note I did not include any questions or information on vaccination as the topic is too controversial.

Extremely grateful to have been able to have this enlightening interview!