Answering Your Vitamin C Questions with Beck Wynta | Lab Muffin Beauty Science

Beck Wynta and I are answering the most common vitamin C questions you submitted!

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In this video:
Can vitamin c be used in the morning?
Why does L-ascorbic acid irritate my skin?
Does price matter for vitamin C serums?
Can you mix vitamin C with sunscreen?
Why does vitamin C turn my hands yellow?
Dedicated vitamin C and niacinamide serums, or one product that has both?
Can you use vitamin C with retinol? Can you use vitamin C with acids?
Thoughts on natural vitamin C serum?
Is vitamin C supposed to sting or itch?
Is vitamin C really needed in a skincare routine?

We also talk about our favourite vitamin C products on Beck’s channel:

Lab Muffin Beauty Science is a channel by me, Michelle – I’m a chemistry PhD and beauty lover, here to explain how beauty products work, debunk myths, and help you make smarter decisions about your skincare, hair and makeup!

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Want smooth, glowing skin? Grab a copy of my FREE Essential Guide to Exfoliation!
Free exfoliation guide
My current skincare routine:
Our favourite vitamin C products:
Easy DIY vitamin C serum:
Acne marks and hyperpigmentation:
All about exfoliation:
Why pH matters for AHAs and acids:

The Lab Muffin Guide to Basic Skincare is here! Find out more: