COVID 19 Series: Build Immunity & Soothe Your Nervous System – Traci Potterf, PhD

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You are not helpless. Beyond social distancing and sanitizing, there’s a lot you can do to protect yourself and your community from the novel Coronavirus. There’s also a lot you can do to soothe the stress of it all. Immunity and sanity are an inside job and they go hand in hand.

Welcome to our series, COVID-19: Cultivating Wisdom in a Time of Panic. Join Traci Potterf, PhD, in this video to learn what you can do to build your immunity, soothe your nervous system and create a better life in the long run.

Building immune and emotional resilience makes you less susceptible to infection so you are less likely to spread it and, if you do get sick, these habits and practices can help reduce severity and duration. Similarly, everyone will feel stressed throughout this experience. It’s your body’s natural reaction and request for soothing and nurture.

Our natural evolutionary tendency in a stressed brain state is to make poorer decisions and find quick ways to numb or avoid pain as well as seek quick, often destructive pleasures. What if we choose something different? What if we find pleasurable ways to feel resilient, strong and vibrant through these tumultuous, uncertain times?

The amazing thing is that the very same things we need to do to build immunity and soothe our nerves are what it takes to prevent accelerated aging and most chronic degenerative diseases. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, liver disease and kidney disease are part of a human chronic disease pandemic. They kill and disable far more people than COVID-19 (novel Coronavirus) ever could. What’s more, these disabling and killer diseases are only minimally genetic, mostly self-inflicted through stress and lifestyle habits based on cultural norms that we spread like belief viruses.

If we take this time of uncertainty to create new routines and habits, not only can we slow the spread of this disease, save our sanity, save lives and alleviate the health care system burden, this virus can be a portal to a better life for you many years after this pandemic has long passed.