A COVID-19 Information Webinar: Exposure Notification, Testing, & Reflections on Today & the Future

As Canadians continue to weather the disruptions brought about by COVID-19 and our responses to it, experts in a variety of fields are working to help us all return to a measure of normalcy. In this webinar we will hear from three of those experts. Two presentations will address efforts around information gathering about COVID-19 (one on exposure notification and a second on COVID-19 testing). The third will give a perspective on where we are and where we are going, including a look at immunity and antibodies. A Q&A session will follow the presentations.

The intent of this webinar is to provide a broad public audience with some useful information from government, private industry and the medical profession on the current situation in Canada with COVID-19.

Timothy M. Egan, President & CEO, Canadian Gas Association

COVID-19 Exposure Notification: Lucie Vignola, Director General, COVID-19 Communications, Health Canada
COVID-19 Testing: Dr. Paul Lem, Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Spartan Bioscience Inc.
Immunity and Antibodies: Dr. David Naylor, Co-Chair COVID-19 Immunity Task Force & Professor of Medicine and President Emeritus, University of Toronto