#AskDrBob: Stress, Vitamin A, Hair

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. If you have any general health questions, please email us,, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

Q: Hello – I recently bought the Vitamin A drops that are offered on your website. On your website you advised to take 2 drops a day. My only question is what should the drop size be? The drops change every time I use it.

A: I consistently place a small drop on my tongue – not big drops.

Bio-Ae-Mulsion Forte:

Q: You come highly recommended by my mom. I have ongoing problems with thinning hair and losing my hair on a constant basis. My scalp has begun to hurt when I comb my hair and I have been lacking energy as well and very moody. I would like to know if you recommend doing the hair analysis or your wellness consultation. I really want to get to the bottom of this if possible.

A: I would begin with an Opti-Chem Profile instead of a Hair Analysis in this situation. The Opti-Chem will give me a solid foundation on how to proceed. You can contact to learn more.

Opti-Chem Profile:
Hair Analysis:

Q: Dr. Bob, I am really stressed with all that is going on in the world – what do you suggest I do?

A: First, I would not overeat anything with sugar. It will place a demand on your immune system. At our practice, we use a product called Li-Zyme Forte, which is a plant-based trace mineral (lithium). The lithium will assist your body in making neurotransmitters for the brain, which we have noticed a general sense of calming in our practice members. I go over this in greater detail in “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health.”

Li-Zyme Forte:
Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health:

Q: What can I do for toenail fungus?

A: In my experience, most nail fungus concerns are actually a colon congestion problem with yeast. I would stay away from sugar and focus on a colon cleanse. At our practice we supplement with Caprin as well as Colon Plus to aid in colon restoration. You may consider Agrisept-L, a citrus seed extract to support optimal gut health at 10 drops per day in 4 oz. of water. I also discuss this in “Dr. Bob’s Guide to Prevent Surgery.”

Colon Plus:
Colon Plus Powder:
Dr. Bob’s Guide to Prevent Surgery:

Thank you all for watching. To help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).

Online Classroom:
#Hair #Stress #VitaminA