Scientist’s prediction: COVID19 will become a seasonal virus

A new analysis published in Frontiers in Public Health recommends that COVID19, the infection caused by SARS-CoV-19 virus, which can become seasonal in countries with a temperate climate, but only when herd immunity is attained. Till that time, COVID19 may circulate like this among the seasons. These results highlight the crucial role of public health measures needed to control the virus. Dr Hassan Zaraket said ‘’ COVID19 is here to stay until herd immunity is achieved. People need to live with it and take preventive measures like wearing masks, physical distancing, avoiding gatherings and keeping proper hygiene’’. Many respiratory viruses follow seasonal patterns, mostly in temperate regions. Influenza and several types of coronaviruses that create common cold can peak in winter in temperate regions but circulate year-round in tropical zones. The author examines these seasonal viruses, examine the viral and the stability of SARS-CoV-2. Researchers explain that the virus survival will change its behaviour according to the season. According to the other respiratory viruses such as the flu, COVID19 has a higher rate of transmission. When the herd immunity is attained through natural infections and vaccinations, the RO automatically drop substantially.