Raise your vitamin D and strengthen your immune system

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How I Raise My Vitamin D Levels and Strengthen My Immune System

A lot of what I do for my health is almost the exact opposite of what I was told to do…

The labs that I needed to figure out what was wrong with me were not part of the “standard” procedure…

One of those labs was my vitamin D levels…

I had to request it and was told that it didn’t matter… that it had nothing to do with what I was going through…

… but I insisted on getting tested and found out I was low at 22 ng/dL…

When I started researching vitamin D, I found that there is a direct correlation between the strength of your immune system and your vitamin D levels…

The lower your vitamin D, the weaker your immune system…

Your immune system is your gut flora…

Your gut flora is made up of probiotics…

Probiotics are the tiny little microbes that live in our guts and one of their functions is to turn food into nutrients, vitamins, hormones, and energy…

No wonder I was having a hard time digesting food… experiencing gas, bloating, and constipation…

No wonder I was tired all the time…

This was a big “ah ha” moment for me because I realized that all vitamins are created through the fermentation process…

I had actually learned this while brewing beer… the fermentation process is what allows brewer’s yeast to make vitamin b12 in beer styles like Hefeweizens and others that use the right type of yeast and nutrients…

I never thought about other vitamins prior to having health issues… but once I started learning about this, I realized all vitamins are created the same way through fermentation…

To get the vitamins I need, I follow these 3 steps…

#1 Eat foods that contain the nutrients and precursors to the vitamins I need…

#2 Get the probiotics that digest and turn those nutrients into vitamins…

#3 Create the ideal “fermentation environment” for probiotics to grow in your gut…

For example, if you are looking to get vitamin A you can eat carrots… that’s step one…

Next, understand that carrots don’t have vitamin A, but they have beta-carotene which is the pre-cursor to vitamin A…

If you have the probiotics in your gut that converts beta-carotene into vitamin A and the right environment in your gut, then you’ll be able to get vitamin A just from eating carrots…

… but if you have gut issues or lack probiotics then eating carrots alone won’t help you raise your vitamin A…

Vitamin D is the same…

You need the right foods, probiotics and environment to help raise your vitamin D levels and keep them high without having to take supplements…

Most people try to raise their vitamin D levels by taking vitamin D supplements ranging from 3,000 to 50,000 IU’s!!

… but they ignore all the other factors so they are stuck taking a vitamin D supplement and their levels don’t stay where they need to be… (not to mention that many of these supplements can be toxic especially at high levels…)

Again, I do the opposite of what I was told to do…

I don’t take no vitamin D supplement…

Don’t need to…

I’m not a doctor… I’m a beer brewer and I believe that when you eat the right foods, get the right probiotics in your gut and create a good environment for the probiotics in your gut then you’ll naturally start to raise your vitamin levels…

You know your vitamin D levels are good if you start to experience deep, restorative sleep… and I’m talking about sleep so good where you have vivid dreams and wake up feeling refreshed…

I personally use fermented cod liver oil + butter oil as my source of food and probiotics to help raise my vitamin D levels and keep them there… and I work on my gut everyday to create the right environment for probiotics to grow…

If you are interested in learning more about probiotics and creating the right environment in your gut then check out our program [Energy Bootcamp]…

When you join our [Energy Bootcamp] you’ll be learning how to get more energy, sleep better and lose weight…
