COVID-19 vaccine for general use to be possible 2nd-3rd quarter next year: CDC

미 CDC 국장 “일반인용 코로나 백신은 내년 2~3분기 출시”… “백신 예방 효과 70%뿐…마스크가 더 효과적”

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention forecast that Americans could get access to a COVID-19 vaccine by the second or third quarter of next year.
The director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, said the vaccine could be ready by December but it will take six to nine months to make it widely-available.
Due to limited supplies, there will be priority placed on who gets the shot first,…such as frontline medical workers, the elderly and those in high-risk groups.
However, he expected the level of immunity created from the vaccine to be some 70 percent, saying that wearing a mask is more effective for protection.

2020-09-17, 10:00 (KST)

#COVID19 #vaccine #CDC

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