Pandemic Health Lessons 8: Drugs that harm your immune system

As I’ve mentioned, I’m sick and tired of the message to boost immunity being limited to “stay at home, wear a mask, wash your hands and social distance.”

These recommendations don’t boost your immune system. If anything, they shut it down.

This is video eight in the series on building immune support using natural approaches.

This eighth video will cover some of the drugs that have been shown to negatively effect your immune system, especially as it relates to viral infections.

As an example, PPIs (proton pump inhibitors like Nexium and Prilosec) block stomach acid production. Block stomach acid production and viruses and bacteria that you swallow, that should be destroyed quickly by the strong acid of the stomach, will survive.

This is why studies have found that PPIs drastically increase the risk of Covid-19 infections, hospitalizations and death.

Another VERY common over the counter drug will absolutely shut down what your immune system tries to do to better fight a virus, and yet most people wouldn’t even think twice about taking them.

Find out more in the video.