Covid 19 aka the corona virus is one of the very few topics that needs n introduction what so ever. Like the saying goes “Prevention is better than cure” so how does one protect one self from the deadly Covid 19? In this video we will take a look at ways to make your body well equipped to fight the deadly corona virus.


Having enough sleep greatly improves your immune system but not getting enough sleep weakens it and makes you very succumb to viruses like Covid 19. In fact, a study showed that those who slept less than 6 hours a day are more likely to catch a cold than people who slept more than 6 hours. This is the first and probably the only time in history were taking a nap is an act of heroism so don’t waste the opportunity hit the bed and protect yourself and country by taking a nap.

2 Stop Smoking

According to The Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco “smoking is a risk factor for progression of Covid-19”, and smokers are nearly twice as likely to develop severe symptoms. That is because Covid19 infects the entire respiratory system, all the way down to millions of tiny air sacs in the lungs called alveoli. Smoking drastically damages your respiratory system thereby making it weak and easily prone to Covid 19. Quitting smoking is a very good idea to protect yourself from Covid 19 and all you have to lose is just a habit that has killed 480,000 every year in the United States.

3 Reduce Your stress levels

We know excess levels of stress produce hormonal changes that lower the body’s resistance to colds and other infections. High levels of stress equal low level of immunity. We know a pandemic is quite a stressful time the kids are around, the zoom meetings are annoying, the internet servers are all slow. You just have to find a way to relax and make sure your body doesn’t go into stress mode. Try spending at least one of hour your day relaxing or doing something that calms you.

4 Cut down on Alcohol

These our stressful times and its probably not a bad idea to have a glass of wine to calm down ( I mean we just told you about easing your stress ) but you might just want to cut down on alcohol . “Alcohol consumption is associated with a range of communicable and noncommunicable diseases and mental health disorders, which can make a person more vulnerable to COVID-19. In particular, alcohol compromises the body’s immune system and increases the risk of adverse health outcomes,” According to WHO cutting down on alcohol is a very significant step in boosting your immune system, so cut down on alcohol and start enjoying a healthy immune system cheers! (oh, wait no cheers)

5 Exercise Regularly

Exercise is one of the best ways to keep your immune system in shape .As much as we want you to be healthy please stay away from crowded gyms it’s kind of hard to build an immune system if you are surrounded by the virus.

6 Stay Hydrated

I know you are thinking how does water protect me from Covid 19? The truth is water doesn’t protect you from Covid 19 but lack of water in your system makes you very prone to viruses Dehydration reduces the overall volume of blood and lymphatic fluids that are integral in a healthy immune system response.

7 Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet is defined as a diet consisting of a variety of different types of food and providing adequate amounts of the nutrients necessary for good health for a proper balance diet to improve your diet you might have to add more greens in your diet especially. One of the best ways to have a high fiber intake is to consume celery juice.You might want to check out our video on benefits of celery juice.

8 Get some Sunlight

Yes, you read that right sunlight does boost your immune system. First of the sun is a great natural source for vitamin D and Vitamin D is very good for maintaining a healthy immune system. According to Researchers at Georgetown University (US), they found that sunlight energizes the T-cells that play a central role in human immunity. So, take out some time to take in some sun light and please remember to social distance while doing it.

9 Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight during this time period can be quite difficult because there is minimum activity and maximum stress so you find yourself eating more and moving less. We totally understand why you would want to sit with a big bag of chips while you work on a project you procrastinated and now the deadline is closer but that isn’t good for you especially during these times of a pandemic. According to scientists being overweight can weaken the body’s immune system and reduce its ability to fight off infections. And you want a healthy immune system to be in tip top conditions especially during a pandemic.
And that’s all folks. If you are interested in more natural ways to keep yourself healthy and fit subscribe to our channel to get the latest videos from Healthy & Harmonious.