Couple drink only HUEL for 7 days, no food!….This is what happened.

Hi my names is Pete I am a vegan fitness YouTuber and I make videos on vegan food, vegan fitness, vegan challenges and vegan travel, so if that sounds like you’re cup of tea maybe think about clicking that subscribe button.

In this channel I aim to explore alternative diet’s, fitness and lifestyles in the pursuit of optimal health and wellness through the old fashioned method of trial and error.

Follow my journey and let me do the experimenting/suffering for the both of us and don’t forget to laugh at my pain. 😛

For this weeks challenge I decided to try and live completely on Huel for 7 days straight and my girlfriend decided to come along for the ride.

Huel is a new generation of meal replacement shake made from oats, peas, rice, flaxseeds and coconut. Huel state that their shakes are 100% nutritionally complete, and are a perfect meal when time is short and you’re out of the house.

Huel is 100% vegan, so it uses zero animal products. This means that it not only helps to reduce the impact on animals, but also carbon emissions. Plus, Huel has a naturally long shelf-life, which means zero food waste, and it uses minimal packaging, to help further reduce waste. These are all things that I believe In greatly and what attracted us to Huel in the first place.

Let me know in the comments below if you have tried Huel and what your experience was like I would love to know.

Sit back, relax and enjoy the show, this is one HUEL not want to miss!