Pandemic Health Lessons Take 6: Avoiding the Toxic Soup You Live In

As I’ve mentioned, I’m sick and tired of the message to boost immunity being limited to “stay at home, wear a mask, wash your hands and social distance.”

These recommendations don’t boost your immune system. If anything, they shut it down.

This is video six in the series on building immune support using natural approaches.

This sixth video will cover what I call the “toxic soup” that we live in. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are constantly bombarded with toxic chemicals that have a negative effect on your health and definitely on your immune system.

As a matter of fact, a recently study looking at PFOS (the chemical in Teflon) found it in the blood of every child study in Africa and this chemical shut down the kid’s immune response to measles vaccination.

So you better believe it’s going to effect your immune system’s ability to fight off viruses like the coronavirus.

Find out more in the video.