You Will NEVER Throw Lemon Peels Away Again After Seeing This!

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You Will NEVER Throw Lemon Peels Away Again After Seeing This!

We often hear about the health benefits of lemons and lemon water, but did you know the peels of the lemon can also provide important health benefits for our bodies. Although we often throw them away, lemon peels are packed with bioactive compounds, nutrition and can promote our health numerous ways. Simply boil them to make a tea or grate them on to many different recipes. Now, lets discuss some of the incredible health benefits of consuming lemon peels.

1. First, lemon peels are a good source of nutrition. They are excellent source of vitamin C, as well as calcium, vitamin B6 and thiamin. They are also an amazing source of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds and dietary fibre in addition to many bioactive compounds as mentioned above.

2. Lemon peels are also an incredible source of potent and powerful antioxidants. These unique antioxidants, along with their high levels of plant compounds can help to reduce free radicals in the body and oxidative stress. Lemon peels contain many flavonoid antioxidants, as well as a unique antioxidant compound known as D-limonene, which increase enzymes in the body to reduce oxidative stress, illness and chronic disease.

3. Consuming lemon peels can provide several antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. This can help reduce bad bacteria in the body that can compromise our immune system while also helping good bacteria to thrive. These important properties can also help to reduce the risk of infections and illness, and boost immune system response.

4. They can also help to promote heart health in many ways and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Studies have shown that the high amounts of flavonoid antioxidants, along with vitamin C and fibre, can boost heart health and reduce risk factors associated with heart disease. As well, studies have shown that lemon peels can help to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while at the same time, increase “good” HDL cholesterol.

5. Lastly, consuming lemon peels can help to improve the overall health and look of our skin. Not only is this attributed to the many antioxidants and vitamin C found in lemon peels, but also their terrific antibacterial properties. Lemon peels can help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reduce unwanted skin ailments and nourish the skin.

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DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.