|| top 3 asana make your body immune || and safe you from covid-19 ||

Half Lord of the Fishes (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
half lord fishes

Spinal twists decompress and nourish the spine, but they can also help a lot with our body’s internal functions, including our immune system.

How It Helps:
The theory behind twists helping our immunity is that improper digestion causes toxins to build-up. These nasty toxins send the body out of whack and have the potential to create infection or inflammation. Yoga poses that gently compress, twist, or stimulate the stomach can help with digestive issues.

Let’s Try It:

Sitting with your legs straight out in front of you, plant your right foot on the outside of your left leg so the sole of your right foot is on the mat
Keep the extended left foot flexed. Option to cross the left foot under the right leg and near the right hip)
On an inhale, plant your right palm directly behind your low back and bring your left elbow to the outside of your right knee
Inhale to lift and lengthen your spine, exhale to twist and shift the gaze over the right shoulder
Stay for 5 breaths on each side

3. Supported Fish Pose (Matsyasana Variation)
Fish Pose

Arguably one of the most feel-good restorative variations, Supported Fish makes an already yummy pose feel even better, and is also a great yoga pose for immunity.

How It Helps:
When you’re really feeling beat, this yoga pose boosts your energy levels when you’ve been depleted. Supported Fish Pose also targets the lungs, so it can help open up and relieve congestion.

Let’s Try It:

If you have one, grab your yoga bolster and/or yoga blocks (if you don’t have these, a rolled up blanket works great!)
If you have two yoga blocks, place one on the mat beneath your heart and one beneath the back of your head. If you have a bolster, place it on top of the blocks or in their place
If you’re using a blanket, roll it up and position it so the blanket ends at the middle of your back and the top of the blanket roll supports your head
Relax your chest and shoulders and let your arms open wide, palms facing up
Legs can either be out straight or bent with feet as wide as your mat and the knees touching in the center
Stay in this pose for 1-5 minutes

4. Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Inversions bring a wealth of benefits to mind and body, and inversions include way more yoga poses than just a handstand! Forward Fold is the perfect gentle inversion to boost immunity.

How It Helps:
Inverted postures and forward bends bring prana and blood flow to the sinuses, which can help ease congestion. Sinuses and our mucus membranes are our body’s first line of defense against infection, so keeping them healthy can boost our immune system function.

However, depending on the level of congestion you are experiencing, this might be uncomfortable or agitating for the sinuses. As with any time you practice yoga, it’s important to check in with your body and back off or skip a pose when needed.

Let’s Try It:

From standing, bring your feet hip-distance apart
Slowly hinge at the hips and keep a bend in your knees as you come into a gentle forward fold
Option to hang ragdoll or allow your hands to rest on the floor, yoga blocks or on your ankles, calves or thighs
Stay here for 5-10 breaths or as long as feels good
When you come out of this pose, roll yourself slowly to standing to prevent any dizziness

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