Protect yourself! Boost your immune System

Boost your immune system. It’s not that the risk is zero. and I’m certainly not going to argue against good sanitation practices. But the risk seems to be very low of contracting coronavirus from inanimate objects in everyday settings (like handling mail or groceries). There’s been so much fear and uncertainty around this coronavirus pandemic that I think had a hard time getting through. But more and more evidence is showing us! that touching objects is not the main way the coronavirus spreads person-to-person contact remains the much larger risk. And a recent Medscape analysis only found that medical literature documenting actual coronavirus spreads from inanimate objects was pretty limited. Now, I’m all about personal freedom. If wiping down your packages or groceries makes you feel better, if you like that added layer of protection, go ahead and do it. Caution is good. The trick is to keep those activities in their proper perspective. The worry that by obsessing over the risk from inanimate objects, people will take their eyes off the ball. They’ll be less mindful of what matters most. Again, this virus does not have super powers. It spreads like other viruses spread mainly through close contact with infected people. If you’re keeping your distance, avoiding large crowds, staying away from sick people, and diligently washing your hands (particularly after interactions with people), you’re already going a long way toward protecting yourself. #workout #fitness #immunesystem #bodybuilding #cure #sportsperformance #mentalhealth #weightloss #rip60 #trxworkout #suspensiontraining