I used vitamin E to permanently cure acne, I no longer experience acne breakouts, pimples, blackheads or any other things on my skin. My skin is extremely healthy, so In this video, i am sharing my wash process in the morning.

Here’s a useful article I found:

Vitamin E is just one of the antioxidants touted as a potential acne treatment.

Nutritionally speaking, vitamin E is an anti-inflammatory, which means it can help boost your immune system and help with cell regeneration. It’s thought that these properties may specifically help with inflammatory acne, such as:

scars (from any of the above)
In theory, vitamin E could help treat acne, but there’s a lot more research that needs to be done to prove whether this method is as good or better than other more standard acne treatments.

It’s also important to consider the differences between applying vitamin E topically versus taking supplements.

Learn more about what the research says below, then talk to a dermatologist before trying out vitamin E for your acne.

The research
When it comes to treating acne, vitamin E seems to work best topically. You should still make sure to get enough of it in your diet, but taking vitamin E supplements doesn’t appear to have the same effects on acne.

One studyTrusted Source found that topical vitamin E was effective in treating severe acne in adult participants within a 3-month period. However, vitamin E was also combined with zinc and lactoferrin in this case. So, it’s difficult to conclude whether it was solely the vitamin E that helped treat acne.
A combination-ingredient study from 2006Trusted Source involved the use of both vitamins A and E. The results showed that this combination helped treat acne, but it’s unclear if vitamin E was the primary reason why.
Zinc and vitamin E were investigated in another study, along with vitamin A. This particular investigationTrusted Source looked at corresponding serum levels in adults with severe acne, and found that some study participants had nutritional deficiencies. While nutritional support helped in these cases, it’s not clear if topical formulas of these same ingredients can treat acne.
Dietary considerations have become a popular area of research in acne, such as the aforementioned study. While some researchTrusted Source has shown a mild to moderate role of certain foods in acne aggravation, such as dairy products, more clinical studies are needed to confirm whether certain foods help treat acne.
Topical vitamin E usually comes in the form of oils, serums, or creams. Such products may contain other ingredients to fight acne and reduce dark spots. These include vitamins A and C.

If your main concern is treating acne spots, you may consider using an anti-aging product in one of the above formulas.

Active acne breakouts may benefit more from a spot treatment. You can look for spot treatments containing vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol). Another option is to combine pure vitamin E oil with a lightweight carrier oil, such as jojoba, and then applying it directly to your blemishes.

It’s important to get enough vitamin E in your diet. This can help your overall skin health by improving your complexion.

The following foods are considered high in vitamin E:

safflower oil
sunflower oil
corn oil
soybean oil
sunflower seeds
fortified cereals
Your doctor may recommend vitamin E supplements if you don’t get enough of this nutrient in your diet alone.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the recommended daily amount of vitamin E for adults is 15 milligrams (mg). Breastfeeding women need slightly more, or 19 mg per day.

Symptoms of a vitamin E deficiency aren’t always easy to identify. It’s important to avoid supplementation unless your doctor has determined you need it. They’ll be able to tell you if you need vitamin E supplements based on a blood test.

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