6th Std I #Science I chapter 7 #Nutrition and #Diet I question & Answer I Maharashtra board

6th Std I #Science I chapter 7 #Nutrition and #Diet I question & Answer I Maharashtra board

Q. 1. Fill in the blanks:
(1) The process of intake of food and utilizing it for all life processes is called nutrition.
(2) All the substances in our food which are useful for various bodily processes are called nutrients.
(3) Carbohydrates and fats provide energy to our body.
(4) In a balanced diet, all the nutrients are present in the adequate proportion.
(5) In the food pyramid, cereals are given the maximum space because they fulfil our energy/carbohydrate/dietary (Many answers are possible for this question.) requirements.
(6) Intake of more food than necessary causes obesity.

2. 2. Choose the correct alternative
(1) Pulses are a good source of proteins.
(2) Cereals provide maximum energy to the body.
(3) Goitre is caused by a deficiency of the mineral iodine.
(4) Chocolate is a type of junk food.
(5) Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting.

Q. 3. Find the odd one out:
(1) Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, Vitamin K
(2) Chocolates, Burger, Leafy vegetables, Noodles
(3) Xeroderma, Rickets, Bleeding, Anaemia
(4) Fish, Eggs, Pulses, Cereals
(5) Iodine, Urea, Washing soda, Starch
Ans. (1) Vitamin B (others are fat soluble vitamins)
(2) Leafy vegetables (others are junk food)
(3) Anaemia (others are caused by deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins. Anaemia is caused by deficiency of iron and vitamin B)
(4) Cereals (others are sources of protein)
(5) Iodine (others are food adulterants).

4. Spot the following in the table of vitamins and minerals:
(1) The nutrient present in citrus fruits.
Ans. Vitamin C.
(2) Vitamins / minerals present in milk.
Ans. Minerals like calcium and phosphorus and Vitamins A, B,D.
(3) Causes and symptoms of night blindness, scurvy, rickets, beriberi.
Ans.• Night blindness-Cause : Deficiency of Vitamin A: Symptom : Inability to see in dim light
. Scurvy-Cause: Deficiency of Vitamin C; Symptom: Bleeding gums
. Rickets – Cause: Deficiency of Vitamin D; Symptoms: Softening of bones, causing pain and fractures
. Beriberi-Cause: Deficiency of Vitamin B1: Symptoms: Nerve disorder.

(4) Foods required to prevent the above diseases.
Ans. . Food stuffs to prevent night blindness : Red and yellow vegetables and fruits, leafy vegetables, milk, butter,
• Food stuffs to prevent scurvy: Citrus fruits, lemon, amla, tomato, green leafy vegetables.
• Food stuffs to prevent rickets : Sun bathing, milk, butter, fish, meat, eggs.
• Food stuffs to prevent beriberi: Cereals, nuts, pulses, milk, meat, fish.

(5) Causes of anaemia:
Ans. Deficiency of iron and Vitamin B12.
(6) Essential minerals for healthy bones and teeth.
Ans. Calcium and Phosphorus.
(7) Sensory organ affected due to the deficiency of Vitamin A.
Ans. Eyes.

Q. 6. Answer the following questions:
(1) What is the use of food for living things?
Ans. Food is needed for all the living beings for the following purposes :
(1) Obtaining energy (2) For the growth of the body (3) To carry out day to day
functions of the body (4) To develop resistance against diseases.
(2) What are kilocalories? How many kilocalories do you require per day?
Ans. Unit of energy obtained in the form of heat from the dietary food stuffs consumed, is called kilocalories. Growing children like us need about 2000 to 2500 kilocalories of energy per day.
(3) What are probiotics? In what form do we take it in our diet?
Ans. The useful microorganisms which are present in our digestive system are called probiotics. These microorganisms produce vitamins naturally in our body. We take these in the form of buttermilk and yoghurt or curds.
(4) What is the significance of the balanced diet?
Ans. Significance of the balanced diet:
(1) The capacity to work increases due to balanced diet.
(2) The physical and mental health is well preserved.
(3) There is increased capacity to fight against diseases.
(4) The body achieves proper growth.