Sauerkraut Benefits by Dr. Om Verma

Health Benefits of Sauerkraut
Dr. O.P.Verma
M.B.B.S., M.R.S.H.(London)
7-B-43, Mahaveer Nagar III, Kota Raj.

Email- dropvermaji@gmail.com

Gut health is the hottest topic of discussion right now in the community. Eating foods that support your gut’s healthy bacteria is widely believed to be the key to better health in all aspects: better energy, immunity, mood, digestion, sleep…the list goes on. The sauerkraut, fermented cabbage, is a probiotic food that offers up a ton of health benefits. It is believed that the Indian women had been waiting years for the sauerkraut since 2,000.
What are sauerkraut’s benefits?
Yes, it’s good for your gut. This is the major reason why healthy eaters are so into sauerkraut. Sauerkraut also contains dietary fiber which aids digestion, balances blood sugar, and may help lower cholesterol. Adding fiber to your meal also makes it more satisfying and keeps you full for longer. Cabbage has the very good fiber support with very low calories.
It’s good for your immune system. This is one of ‘kraut’s benefits that’s largely overlooked. Sauerkraut is high in vitamin C, which is essential for supporting the immune system.
Heart & Bone Health
It’s a good source of vitamin K2. This is another often overlooked benefit of the fermented cabbage. It bolsters bone health and heart health.
Heals and Rejuvenates Digestive System
Sauerkraut is easy to digest. Sauerkraut naturally contains enzymes that make the actual digestion process a bit easier. People with IBS may find that sauerkraut and probiotic foods help heal and alleviate uncomfortable digestive symptoms such as cramps, bloating, and gas.
Sauerkraut juice helping heal stomach ulcers, but more recent studies have looked that this food heals the stomach and digestive tract as a whole. Cabbage contains nutrients of potential benefit to our stomach and intestinal linings. Sauerkraut contains natural ingredients acting like drugs used in ulcer treatment. A glass of fresh cabbage or sauerkraut juice can be especially good for stomach ulcers. These nutrients are:
a) L-glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that is preferentially used as a source of energy by gut cells. It is claimed to have protective effects in the gastrointestinal mucosa and in the liver.
b) S-methylmethionine is a derivative of methionine and is sometimes referred to as vitamin U. The term was coined in 1950 by Garnett Cheney for uncharacterized anti-ulcerogenic factors in sauerkraut and cabbage juice that may help speed healing of peptic ulcers.
c) Glucosinolates are converted to anti-inflammatory isothiocyanates in your body. These beneficial compounds control the H. pylori bacteria inside your stomach that contribute to peptic ulcers.
d) Gefarnate compound is a water insoluble terpene fatty acid, facilitates the healing and function of gastric mucosal tissue.
Trump Card in Cancer Treatment
It could reduce the risk of cancer. Both sauerkraut and cabbage are good sources of glucosinolates and ascorbigen, which are cancer-fighting compounds. “Sauerkraut and cabbage contain sulforaphane, a compound that may block HDAC enzymes, which is an enzyme class involved in cancer development.
The famous Roman statesman, Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder (234 BC to 149 BC) was was a self-reliant farmer who became a legend for strengthening his people and society two centuries before Rome became an empire. He told us that carcinomas are incurable except with the treatment with sauerkraut.
Sauerkraut could be good for brain health
As a fermented food, sauerkraut may support mental health. The gut and brain are closely connected and there is emerging research that probiotic foods, including sauerkraut, may help improve memory, support cognition, and alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Okay, so it’s pretty clear that sauerkraut can benefit the body in a lot of ways. But there’s a caveat to all of this: not everything you see on store shelves is nutrient-dense. If a sauerkraut product contains vinegar and is pasteurized, it does not offer much probiotic benefits. The beneficial bacteria is killed off by the high heat during the pasteurization process. Home-made sauerkraut is always best.