[LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real time counter , World map #staysafe #stayupdated

[LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real time counter , World map #staysafe #stayupdated
#covid19live #coronaviuslive #coronaviruslivemap

reference sites are for further detail visit sites
World heath organization:

Please take care. Keeping good immunity is very important!!!
Please sleep, eat and rest fully for resilience use vitamin c in diet.
Keep those affected by this unfortunate outbreak in your thoughts

Coronavirus symptoms are mainly
Dry Cough
Dificulty in breathing
in some patients diarrhea has been observed
In Pakistan 60% coronavirus patients died after going to the ventilator.
And up to 60% of the corona patients are below 50 age
And Most of the corona patients are male .
I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make.
#staysafe #stayupdated #lockdown #coronaviruslive

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