You can trust The Hill as much as you can trust that a rhino virus will get stopped by a face mask

Thumbnail: The Hill has lost all credibility:

How to tell the difference between a brainwashed politician and a true sociopath. The sociopath will have no problem lying, and you’ll not see those wide open eyes. These are the sociopath eyes, but you can only be a president of Turkey with those.

Especially rhino viruses seem to love cloth masks.
Hard to say much about other viruses though – too little data.

Danish study: Only 17% of family members got infected with covid:

More studies about vitamin D are on the way, which is great:

Swedish news:

Karin Röding (Röding = Red person or actually a kind of salmon, so fitting for a communist) hates people like me who could do a test to get into universities despite bad grades in some subjects where idiot teachers destroyed it all. Now she quit as no one took her claims about “Muh! Covid!!!” seriously.

Despite Karin Röding and her covid-bullshit, there might be a college test:

Sweden higher education minister Matilda Ernkrans (S) doesn’t seem so bad.

Erik Reinfeldt was hiding for a while to not have to talk about his cocaine:
(not really important, but good to get an excuse to mention it again)

General tips:
0) NAC is good to eat to lower inflammation, especially if you have liver problems. This works for Europe: Use code HENRIK-R29U to get some extra – varies with time.

1) Vitamin D: Minimum 2000 IU/daily unless you get sun during lunchtime. 10 000 IE if you are big and/or obese or train hard. Take with K2. Querctin 1 gram/day, 25 mg zinc, green tea/EGCG. Vitamin C spread over the day can help.
Studies on vitamin D (updated):

2) Eat less sugar, carbs and processed vegetable oils, but more greens, non-processed fats like butter and cocos fat and olive oil (Many US olive oils are blended with processed oils – avoid!). Eat garlic, onions, and spices can help with their antiviral and antiinflammatory properties.

3) Being out in the forest 2 times a week boost the immune systems

4) Star anise in combination with quercetin is very antiviral.

5) Daily warm baths and/or training

6) Ivermectin is the cure against viruses. Get it from your doctor, but it can also be bought as an animal medicine everywhere. Except for in North America you can buy Bromhexin OTC witch is really helpful against the cough that you probably will never get if you eat your zinc, quercetin and vitamin D.

7) Never miss the daily big breath!

8) Do not socially distance yourself! It will weaken the immune system

(Backup of videos when Youtube takes them down)

(fails to mirror)

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