New Russian vaccines for COVID-19 and influenza will heal the world

Scientists from the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow are to create a vaccine that will be able to protect people against influenza and coronavirus simultaneously.

Alexander Gintsburg, the director of the Center, pointed out that it was too early to say when such a drug would appear.

Earlier, George Mason University professor, doctor of biological sciences Ancha Baranova said that the Russian vaccine against COVID-19 known as Sputnik V would not be the final solution to the pandemic. According to her, the population needs to develop immunity that would be stronger in comparison with vaccine-induced immunity. In the future, new vaccines with a longer lasting effect will be needed.

Gamaleya Research Center director Alexander Gintsburg earlier said that if the mass vaccination of the Russian population goes successfully, it will be possible to defeat the epidemic by next summer. According to him, it can be possible to produce 80 million doses of the vaccine in 12 months.

The third phase of clinical trials of the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine started on September 9.

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