NIIM Webinar – A Doctor's Advice: Recent Developments in COVID-19

September 2020 NIIM Webinar – A Doctor’s Advice: Recent Developments in COVID-19

About the webinar:

Join Professor Avni Sali AM and Professor Ian Brighthope for an informative and interactive discussion about the latest developments in the treatment, management and prevention of COVID-19.

As Victoria transitions out of Stage 4 Lockdown, many are looking towards the future and are now focussed on improving our health and wellbeing in a post-COVID world.

NIIM Founder, Professor Sali, and Founding President of ACNEM Professor Ian Brighthope will share general health advice on:

– Supplementation, including Zinc, Vitamin D and C;
– Exercise and lifestyle management;
– Stress Management and Mental Health; and
– The importance of sleep.

Find out more about NIIM:

Viewers please be aware. The information contained in these topics does not necessarily represent the views of NIIM and is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.It is provided for educational purposes only and is intended to encourage discussion and debate. Viewers assume full responsibility for how they choose to use this information.