Journey to COVID-19 and how to stay with strong mentality during Isolation

Hello everyone, today I am here to share my experience on COVID and how I spend my time during home isolation. I am making this video to motivate other who suffer from COVID and help them to live with strong mentality and stay positive during home isolation.

let’s start, I experienced mild headache and back pain on 21st August, 2020 then next day, there was mild fever of 99-100f with headache and soar throat, difficulty in swallowing. I took a cetamole tablet and started doing home remedy i.e., salt water gargal. From that day I started to sleep separately and eat separately from my family because I have 7 months old daughter and 55 years old mother. So I don’t want to take risk. On 23rd August fever was gone but there was still soar throat with mild headache. On 24th August throat pain was also gone due gargling 3 times a day for 3 days. I also drink lots of hot water with honey, pepper, ginger. Until this time I was not sure whether this is symptom of COVID or normal seasonal flue beacaz it was raining on 20th of August and I was wet on that day. So I was thinking this symptom is due to this. But on 25th of August I have diarrhea. This diarrhea is not loose motion type but I have to go toilet for 3 to 4 times a day. So I was in doubt whether it’s symptom of COVID. One of my friend was also suffering from covid. So I call him and share my experience with him. He also share his experience of symptom. I came to know that his and my symptoms were totally different caz he was suffering from running nose and cold but there was no such case for me. One thing was common that was diarrhea. So he suggested me to do swab test. So I went to hospital on 27th of august to give swab test and on 28th of August it was tested positive. So I was totally confuse and blank for a while. I ask a doctor what to do next. He told me, is there any serious problem for you. I said I don’t have any problem but I need to go toilet for 3 to 4 times a day. He told me it’s mild symptom and don’t need to be panic. You need to isolate from other family member. Separate all your personal staff and utensil from other. Wash every utensil After use by yourself and keep separately, just stay inside one room and if you have attached bathroom then it would be great. Fortunately I have one room with attached bathroom.

What I did during my isolation?
During isolation, I started reading book call “Power of your subconscious mind ” by josheph Murphy. This book was interesting because it lift my mind and help me to stay strong. It teaches us about our subconscious mind. So continue reading each chapter for entire isolation period. I also watched movies and try to stay fit. I do regular gym and fitness exercise every 2 hrs a day. By this way I kept myself busy.

What I eat during isolation?
I didn’t eat any special medicine. I just use home remedy ayurvedic herbs. I drink hot water with pepper, ginger and honey three times a day. I drink lemon water twice a day. I eat different noddle soups and beans soup adding apple cider vinegar. I also take one vitamin C tablet a day and multivitamin twice a day. I take steam before I sleep and after I wake up early morning.

We need to stay focus and avoid unnecessary covid news during this time. So I suggest everyone to enjoy your day by doing activity what you want. It may be reading book, watching movie, playing video games, meditation etc.
During isolation we need to have enough sleep of 8-9 hours to keep ourself relax. If we become worry then we can’t sleep well that leads to week immune system.

I spend 10 days of strick isolation after tested positive but before that day also I was in isolation when I noticed a symptom. On 6th of September, 2020. I again give my swab for test and fortunately it was negative.

Lastly I would like to recommend that if you suffer from COVID then don’t get panic admit it, stay focus and keep your mentality high. Worring and thinking is main virus that will weaken you.
So try to stay strong and keep your moral up.