Total Health and Nutrition | 3 Supplements EVERYONE needs in their medicine cabinet

Top 3 Supplements Everyone Should Take

Jiordana Saade, CNP
Holistic Nutritionist

Nick Bissett
Host, PT

There is a lot of confusion surrounding supplementation.

WHY should we supplement?
We are exposed to 700,000 toxins per day which are affecting our body chemistry and its ability to function.

Additionally, we live in a very stressful world where everybody deals with various levels of acute and chronic stress, it takes a toll on our body.

B- Complex

– Energy

– Stress

– Detox

– Hormonal Production

– Mood balance

– ATP production

Dose: 1 capsule
*with breakfast and/ or Lunch



– Apart of 300 cofactors in the body

– Relaxation for every system in the body

– Neurological, digestive, and muscular system

– Cramps are a sign you need magnesium

Dose: 1 Capsule 1-3x per day
* For sleep take two caps before bed



– Aids in digestion

– Helps to break down food

– Helps to absorb nutrients

– This is important so that you can get more out of your food and don’t need to supplement so much!

Dose: 1 Capsule
*with meals


*BONUS* Multi Vitamins are a great way to make sure you are getting everything you might be missing but without proper diet they only offer the bare minimum of what we need. So don’t forget to eat your greens and talk to a professional if you ever have questions!

#bromelain #bcomplex #magnesium