Coronavirus Briefing What Happened Today

Drugmakers pledged to not distribute a vaccine until it had been thoroughly tested. This is the Coronavirus Briefing, an informed guide to the global outbreak. Sign up here to get the briefing by email. A large-scale trial of a coronavirus vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford has been put on hold, after a participant in the U. K. appeared to have had a severe adverse reaction, STAT reported tonight. Senate Republicans plan to move forward with a scaled-back stimulus plan, which is expected to include $300 a week in supplemental unemployment benefits. The rate of positive coronavirus tests in New York State has stayed below 1 percent for 30 straight days, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced over the weekend. Get the latest updates here, as well as maps and trackers for U. S. metro areas and vaccines in development. Nine drug companies pledged today to “stand with science” and not release a coronavirus vaccine until it met rigorous safety and efficacy standards. Normally in competition with one another, the companies banded together in an effort to reassure the public that they would not bow to pressure from the Trump administration and prematurely rush out a vaccine. The promise came after repeated claims from President Trump that a vaccine could be available by Election Day. “We’ll have the vaccine soon, maybe before a special date,” he said just yesterday. “You know what date I’m talking about.”The companies said they would follow guidance from agencies like the Food and Drug Administration and complete large clinical trials before any potential vaccine was released. But until the day that the first vaccine arrives, your face covering could act as a stand-in. Researchers have proposed the new theory that masks might offer a crude form of immunization, by allowing some but not all virus particles to be breathed in, lowering people’s chances of getting sick while potentially provoking an immune response to fight the pathogens. Though outside experts were intrigued by the idea, they were reluctant to embrace it, in part because trying to prove the theory would involve unethical experiments that expose masked and unmasked people to the virus. Immune systems may be an important driver of risk for older Covid-19 patients. Some scientists suggest that aging can prompt the immune system to enter a heightened state of alert, increasing inflammation and depleting certain disease-fighting cells. That could help explain why people who are 80 and over are hundreds of times more likely to die from the virus than those under 40. The long-haul patients: For some, battling Covid-19 can mean daily fevers, fatigue and other grueling physical symptoms that last months. But the long bouts of illness can also prompt mental health issues like anxiety and depression. For millions of American schoolchildren, the Tuesday after Labor Day traditionally marks the return to their classrooms.

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