Vladimir Putin:Russian vaccine is ready for use |Russia COVID -19 Vaccine| SAK Daily Life

Get vaccinated against COVID-19 for free . Safe vaccine based on modern technology
The Moscow Government and the National Research Center named after N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of Russia invite residents of the capital to take part in a post-registration clinical trial of a vaccine against COVID-19.

The vaccine, created at the N.F. Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, passed pre-registration clinical trials and entered medical organizations in the city of Moscow.

We invite 40,000 people
A vaccine created at the N.F. Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Safe for health
The drug does not contain the coronavirus itself, which means that it is impossible to get sick with it or infect others. The person will not carry the virus.
Successfully passed pre-registration clinical trials
Those who received the vaccine developed antibodies, that is, immunity is formed, and, importantly, the drug is tolerated by the body in the same way as a regular vaccination.
Recruitment of applicants is underway
Become an applicant for a vaccine post-marketing clinical trial. We invite 40,000 people.
Participation in the study is possible only after a medical examination in the absence of contraindications
The study will help to obtain a permanent marketing authorization and expand the circle of possible vaccine recipients, including covering the 60+ age group. The research lasts 180 days.
The drug was obtained by a biotechnological method based on the most modern technological platform created by Russian scientists.

It is based on special structures (carrier vectors) created in the laboratory that contain only a part of the virus gene. In response to a meeting with them, the immune system produces protective antibodies.

Who can become a participant in the post-marketing vaccination program:
not sick with ARVI (two weeks before the study and not sick at the time of vaccination);
not sick with COVID-19 (with a negative PCR test result (smear) and a negative test for IgM and IgG antibodies (blood from a vein), tests will be done to candidates as part of a medical examination;
adult citizen of the Russian Federation
(with a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy);
not in contact with COVID-19 patients within two weeks before the study;
a negative pregnancy test is required for women;
for women and men – participation is possible if conception is not planned for the next three months.
Study participants will be under medical supervision and a well-being diary
Sign up for the COVID-19 Vaccine Post-Marketing Clinical Study Program
Your actions in case of participation in the program:
1 .apply for participation
(with filling out the questionnaire);
2 .receive an invitation and undergo a complete medical examination;
3 .Sign an informed consent to participate in a clinical trial and get an insurance policy;
4 .get vaccinated, install a mobile application to monitor your health status on your phone;
5.undergo constant medical supervision during the entire study (medical appointments and monitoring using telemedicine).
Continuous monitoring of health status Self-observation diary
conducted in the mobile application on the phone.
communication with the patient to clarify the state of his health
Electronic bracelet
to measure blood pressure and body temperature will be issued to some clinical trial participants

Test results of the Russian vaccine against COVID-19 announced.
The authoritative international scientific journal The Lancet has published the results of two stages of clinical trials of the Sputnik-V vaccine against COVID-19, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) said.

As the organization specified, this scientific article is the beginning of a series of publications devoted to this drug: “In September, a full study of the vaccine on animals – in primates, Syrian hamsters, transgenic mice, in which the vaccine has shown 100% protective efficacy will be presented for publication (the results on primates and Syrian hamsters were obtained before clinical trials), “- specified in a press release.

The RDIF for RIA Novosti reported that Sputnik V formed a stable humoral and cellular immune response in 100% of participants in clinical trials and did not cause them “serious adverse events (SAE, Grade 3) according to any of the criteria, while Serious adverse event rates for other vaccine candidates range from 1% to 25%. ”

“At the same time, the level of virus-neutralizing antibodies in volunteers vaccinated with Sputnik V was 1.4-1.5 times higher than the level of antibodies in people who have had COVID-19. For comparison, the British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca had an antibody level in vaccinated volunteers about equal to the level of antibodies in those who have had a coronavirus infection, “the Foundation said.