"Vitamin B-12 Deficiency"- How Ayurveda Looks At It.

#VitaminB12Deficiency#Ayurveda. “Nutritional Deficiencies(Vitamin B-12) – Supplementation is not everything”.

People today are falling prey to various nutritional deficiencies. The ones that are commonly encountered are deficiency in Vitamin B 12- Iron def – folic acid def- calcium def etc. The list today is actually getting longer.

Why is there a sudden surge in these deficiencies? Lets for a moment accept, it has every thing to do with the food . People who are devoid of a nutritious diet are said to invariably suffer from these deficiencies. But, this isn’t the case always.Because, such nutritional deficiencies are a common sight even among those, who have an easy access to and who have been eating a highly nutritious diet.

The idea of diet and nutrition in ayurveda wholely depends on how well a person can assimilate what he eats, that is how strong or weak your agni or the digestive fire is .

Ayurveda, looks at a food artciel as a whole that is as a conglomeration of five lelements combined in different proprtiionns. Hence the question of isolation doesnot arise.

To be more precise ayurveda looks at a substance as whole and is not interested in using them just for the fragments present in it.

Before, you actually start trying out all the remedies that you get on google, please think about this. Because every food that you eat exerts effects as a whole, you never know, consuming a food article just because it serves as remedy for one nutrition deficiency can actually give you some other discomfort, because you do not know the consolidated action of a given food stuff on your body. Rather than, switching to the so called nutritious diet or changing your diet plans based on the nutritive value, try working on correcting your agni/ fire, which will in-turn help you stay healthy even with the simplest possible food.

Quintessence Of Ayurveda

“Dhari”-A Blog For Ayurveda Vaidyas