CHNEP Environmental Education: Getting a Dose of Vitamin N

Since 2011, the CHNEP has held Environmental Education Workshops for those who work with and are concerned about environmental education to network and learn more about solutions to issues facing the natural environment of southwest Florida. This video is one of the presentations given during the October 23, 2015 workshop.

Getting a Dose of Vitamin N: Developing Dynamic Programs to Cultivate Mind, Body, and Spirit in Natural Lands by Melissa Nell, Manatee County Parks and Natural Resources Department
A current trend in modern wellness is “mindfulness;” the idea of slowing down, relaxing, and taking time to experience each moment in life. From the University of Berkley to Oprah Winfrey, the idea of mindfulness is sweeping the Country and this gentle meditation format is becoming more and more popular. These types of classes can be easily hosted in nature and integrated into pre-existing education programs to provide your local community with an opportunity to de-stress while enjoying beautiful natural surroundings. Melissa Nell will describe the development of Manatee County’s own mindfulness program from its inception in 2013 and expansion to comprise an entire wellness/fitness suite of programs including Tai Chi, Yoga, Qigong, Running, Walking, and even Hula Hooping. Melissa will also explain how to bridge the gap between traditional recreational/fitness classes held outdoors and environmental education, describing how to bring an awareness of nature while accomplishing the goals of wellness.

Visit to learn more about these workshops and see presentations not posted on YouTube because of audio problems. Register for future workshops by visiting, search for CHNEP but change the location to Florida.

The CHNEP thanks the speakers who are donating their time and expertise and our sponsors, including The CHNEP thanks the speakers who are donating their time and expertise and our sponsors, including Mosaic, Janet and Bruce Bunch, GE Foundation, Jelks Family Foundation and the Friends of Charlotte Harbor Estuary, Inc.