Gongbath, Relaxing Sound Healing,Theta Brainwaves,Release tension,boost immunity, Covid19 Support.

Covid19 and all the stress has affected all of us so I want to offer this Free Gift of a Relaxing Sound Healing Session for you / Gongbath. Play before sleep or to relax deeply.Deepen brainwaves to theta, even delta and activate the rest and digest system, come out of fight or flight. Set an intention to release tension and let go of what you no-longer need / or for help with any pain etc. You can listen with headphones and drift off into beautiful soundscapes. Powerful relaxation suitable for adults and children, autistic children have loved these sessions! Do not listen driving or operating machinery etc!
This is in the style of the weekly sessions I run 8-9pm UK time Wednesday evenings for 1hr online on high definition audio.x
More info see bio on Instagram @HaveYourMagic /
I love sharing sound healing as it is an easy way to deepen brain waves and allow your systems to reset and nurture