8.27.20 St. Clair County COVID-19 Weekly Facebook Live

Dr. Annette Mercatante, Medical Health Officer of the St. Clair County Health Department, provides the weekly county COVID-19 update.

Video Highlights
3:10 Data update
6:52 How positive cases are reported
8:15 Change in CDCs testing guidelines
9:59 School outbreak policies regarding quarantining
13:12 Restaurant case reporting
16:09 Flu shot timing for over age 65
17:37 Health Department flu shot availability
18:25 PPE (face mask, gloves, etc.) disposal
20:37 Is it extra important to get the flu shot this year due to COVID-19?
22:20 Reasons for not getting a contact tracing call if there was an exposure
28:14 Vitamin D and COVID-19
28:34 Late season flu shots
30:19 Availability of infant vaccines at the Health Department
30:55 Advice for parents and caregivers about the new school year