Covid19 & 5G connected while BLM, Antifa make headlines , in this upside down world we need Jesus!!!

Before this virus started we were protesting against 5G worldwide even taking down towers in some parts. To distract us from the new killer tech. the powers that be false flagged us with this Coronavirus. They stoked the fire on racism for their own gain. Using the fear factor and mainstream media we’ve stopped fighting a radiation that will destroy us no matter your color.
People are getting sick but why? Did you know our immune system is lowered from radiowaves? Even knowing this people still use a smartphone that’s wireless.
Contact tracing is a polite way of saying “Were spying on you for your health and taking your privacy away” By the way the police are using this technology to go around the law.
The mask is a joke but if you notice people are more bold with their face hidden ( more crimes ) and it has little medical value unless your a healthcare worker.
Lastly and most importantly we the USA need to go back to God (Jesus Christ) as a nation to even have a chance.