Raw….Real…new chapters…new seasons!

We are about to enter into the last third of 2020! And I don’t think it has been ANYTHING like any of us anticipated it to be…..or even dreamed it to be!

I will be super raw and real…..for how much I have been loving the challenge of joining collaborations with Christina Sessums of Purely Simple Organic Living…..I have also felt the full impact of what has been going on in the world!

I think we would all be super naive to think that even those of us who are the most positive and LOVE and RELISH in looking at the bright side of things….well there is only so much of that we can do……when we have to be willing to be real with our own selves and address our emotions and be okay with what we are feeling!

The world shifted in spring…..and we are about to enter into fall and things haven’t gotten better!

So how does a person do more than survive when they are feeling great sadness for situations around them, for family, friends, the world?

This is what I have been doing the last 6 months to not sink into great despair, anger, sadness, etc:

1. First and foremost my pray life has increased substantially. I don’t take it for granted, I lean into it KNOWING God is right there beside me!
2. I have taken to making sure I spend as much time outside each day….I have been outside more in the last 6 months than I probably have been in the last 6 years…lol…okay maybe not really…
3. I DO NOT MISS MY VITAMINS! Keeping my system functioning and my D level super high has helped not only with my immune system but also with my mood….keeping the blues at bay and away! (Remember with your doTERRA account you have access to a really great Vitamin System with the Life Long Vitality Pack as well as a Vitamin D called the Bone Complex)
4. I have been using CHEER, MOTIVATE, CITRUS BLISS like they are going out of style….lol….all three of these are blends that have high vibration citrus oils and I don’t hesitate to use them liberally….but remember citrus oils are photosensitive so be careful out in the sun!
5. I give myself grace every day….when things shifted in spring with the world and my business….I found myself not being able to do as many Facebook lives because my daughter and husband were HOME ALL THE TIME!!! I wasn’t getting my blog written as often, my postings were becoming scattered, and even sharing weekly here with you became hit and miss! I found myself having to juggle so much more than usual…..and I could’ve beat myself up….instead I had to give myself grace and know that this is a season….and there are always growing pains within some seasons….
6. I mourned the loss of having to put in-house classes on hold…..I gave myself permission to have a full out emotional release about everything I was feeling loss about! ***In-house classes are coming back soon….stay tuned 🙂
7. And finally….I have been learning to truly find peace and joy in a totally new way with the super simple things with family and friends!

I pray my vulnerability and openness will help you know that you are not alone on this journey…..this journey of life with our whole health: mind, body, soul, spirit!

September is here…..and I am looking forward to reviving my interaction with you! I am looking forward to sharing with you all I have in store for you for the rest of 2020!

As always if you need any help or support with your oils…or need to schedule a tapping, mindset or wellness appointment please don’t hesitate to reach out or respond to this email! These appointments are always significantly reduced for existing clients! :)…..

Have a Blessed Day,

Kelly Frick
Wellness-Transformation Coach



Office: 512-265-0303