EASY VEGAN BANANA BREAD RECIPE- the best banana bread! Nutritional information & step by step recipe

I have an OBSESSION with banana bread, I’m constantly making new banana bread recipes and I always use healthy ingredients. So in this blog post, I will be writing up why I use certain ingredients and the nutritional benefits they bring you. So let’s get started!

Protein I use-

Website for more-

One of my favorite blenders-

Ingredients I like to use:

Oats- Why? Oats are a great replacement for white baking flour as it comes with extremely healthy components such as a great amount of protein, fat, and carbs. Oats are high in antioxidants and contain minerals and vitamins such as Zinc, Folate, Vitamin B1, B5, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Manganese. 1 cup of oats contains 300 calories, 54g carbs (slow-releasing, low in GI), 6g fat and 10g protein. You can see how oats are among the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat.

Bananas- Why? these are the star of the show! My tip for the perfect banana bread is to wait until your bananas are riper than anything! When you think they are ripe, wait a few more days, and if you think they are eatable, they aren’t ripe enough! They have to look almost gross that you wouldn’t want to eat them…sounds weird but the riper the better! Bananas are high in potassium and a great energy-releasing carb, which is why I promote this banana bread recipe as a healthy pre-workout/post-workout snack, or just a healthy snack through the day.

Flaxseed/chia seeds- Why? Flaxseeds and chia seeds are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which is something vegans may lack. So it is important when I’m baking to use a good amount to ensure I consume some Omega-3 through my diet.

Protein powder- Why? Flavored protein powder can really enhance the flavor of your baking, as well as increasing the balance of macros. Having higher protein in your bakes means you can reach your protein goals that much easier! If you pick your protein correctly you will be able to consume more nutrients and minerals as lots have added health foods. I always share with you the protein I like to use in my baking (I have another blog post on that so be sure to check it out). Make sure you choose your protein wisely as some have lots of sugar/sweeteners in it. I like to choose a protein that has natural ingredients in it, which is why I love garden of life protein.

Coconut sugar- Why? I like to try to use unrefined sugar, I only use the smallest amount of this in my baking as its very naturally sweet.

Baking powder- Why? Great for making your bakes fluffy and rise well!

Vanilla- Why? Enhances the flavor profile of all your bakes! Who doesn’t like Vanilla extract?!

SR flour- Why? As I mentioned earlier, I like to use oats as a flour replacement as it’s a lot healthier. However, using half the amount of SR flour really helps the cake/muffins/bread become lighter and less stodgy. So I still like to use some, just not all!

Lemon juice- Why? This reacts with the baking powder which helps the cake rise and become light and fluffy.

Plant milk- Why? Plant milk has become more nutritionally beneficial due to it being fortified, so for vegans its very easy to reach your Vitamin B12 goals by consuming a serving of plant milk.

Dash of salt- Why? Salt enhances the sweetness in your baking, everyone does it so I do too!

Let’s get to the specifics!

1 cup oats
1 cup SR flour + 1 tsp baking powder & pinch of salt
4 bananas
1/8th cup coconut oil
1/8th cup flaxseed (plus water for flax egg, approx double the amount of water to flax)
Optional 1/8th cup coconut sugar (depending on how ripe your bananas are- mine weren’t as ripe as I’d of liked so added that for extra sweetness
3/4 cup plant milk
2 scoops Garden of Life
1 tsp vanilla extract

Additional fillings: Spirulina powder, chocolate chips, nuts, blueberries, wheatgrass, etc!

Make the flax egg. Add the dry ingredients together and then blend the wet (leaving out 1 banana for decorating, leaving the coconut oil and flax out) blend them. Add to the dry. Mix. Add the coconut oil and flax egg. Mix again and then pour in the baking tray. Bake for 40-45 mins at 180 degrees. (If baking muffins it will take half the time). Enjoy!

Music: Last summer, iksonmusic